Election Year Religion (1)
Tim Haile, for the Parkway church of Christ
In their effort to win the majority of election votes, politicians attempt to be all things to all people. This means that those who are not religious, or who are only slightly religious, make every effort to win the religious vote. Those who know little or nothing about the Bible attempt to quote and apply Bible passages in an effort to appease Bible believers. Of course, history records some very interesting and even funny mistakes that have been made by politicians who have tried to use the Bible to win votes. One politician said that his favorite Bible passage was John 16:3. Jesus had just told the disciples that the hour was coming when “whoever kills you will think that he is offering God a service.” Jesus then said in John 16:3: “And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me.” The politician obviously meant to say that John 3:16 was his favorite passage, not John 16:3! However, I saw some irony in his mistake, for John 16:3 speaks of some people not knowing God. I suspect that this describes a great many modern politicians.Tim Haile, for the Parkway church of Christ
What is more dangerous is for agenda-driven, politically motivated politicians to attempt to use the Bible to advance their own political agenda. Very few politicians are qualified to accurately interpret and apply Bible passages. Politicians are about compromise. Conversely, faith, by its very nature, does not compromise. Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17), and whatever God’s word defines as sin, is sin. Whatever God defines as error, is error. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Jesus taught that there is no compromise with sin (Matthew 10:34-39).
A video has recently emerged of a speech that was given by Barach Obama in 2006. In this speech Obama said, “Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests that slavery is okay and that eating shellfish is an abomination? Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount, a passage that is so radical that it is doubtful that our own defense department would survive its application.” This is another example of what happens when a politician attempts to use the Bible to advance his own worldview agenda. Scripture is denigrated and misapplied. We shall examine this more fully in next week’s article.
View past articles at http://parkwayarticles.blogspot.com. Please join us for worship and Bible study at our building located at 125 Hilltopper Ave, Bowling Green, KY 42101. We meet each Sunday at 10:00AM and 6:00PM for worship, and Sundays at 9:00AM and Wednesdays at 7:00PM for Bible study. Our radio program is aired each Sunday morning at 8:00AM on the WKCT 930AM band. Phone: (270) 842-2049 – Email: timhaile@mac.com.