Tuesday, November 20, 2007

An "Exalted Nation," or a "Reproachful People?"

An “Exalted Nation” or Reproachful People?
Tim Haile
Solomon wrote, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). The people of a nation have the choice to either pursue a biblical world-view, or a secular one. A biblical world-view is one in which people are conscious of God’s existence, and they believe that their own behavior is being constantly judged and evaluated by that omniscient God. Such people will be safe to be around. They live by the first and second great commandments of the law (love God and love your neighbor - Matthew 22:37-40), and by the golden rule (do to others as you would have them do to you - Matthew 7:12). They are supportive of others, and they wish no one any harm. They are productive in society, being trustworthy, honest, supportive and dependable. They are the kind of people that you can trust with your property and around your children and family members.

Secularists, on the other hand, are driven by the operating principle that man is his own moral authority. They see man as being capable of fabricating his own standard of ethics and morality. Since atheists reject the very existence of God, they certainly deny the existence of any God-given moral standard. Man is seen as his own god. “Right” and “wrong” are determined by the people in a given society. This always has disastrous consequences, for people tend to enact laws that serve their own self interests. A secularistic society is a “me-first” society. Thought for others, and commitment to others is replaced with self-promotion and self-preservation. It is driven by greed. History proves that a nation’s days are numbered once it starts down this godless path.

Sadly, the United States is already on this slippery slope. Our courts and government are more and more buying into a secularistic approach to important issues. References to God and the Bible have been banned from schools and other public places and institutions, and people are being fooled by a false dichotomy. They believe that religious people must give up “freedom of religion” if they mix a biblical world-view with government policy. The latter is falsely called a “separation of church and state.” By this phrase, most people actually mean “separation of Bible-based morals and ethics from the state.” This is a big problem, for a government that is devoid of the influence of divine principles is a government that is doomed. The people of a nation must stand up against attacks against God and His word, and they must convince their fellows citizens that an “exalted nation” is one that respects God.

Please join us for worship and Bible study at our building located at 125 Hilltopper Ave, Bowling Green, KY 42101. We meet each Sunday at 10:00AM and 6:00PM for worship, and Sundays at 9:00AM and Wednesdays at 7:00PM for Bible study. Our radio program is aired each Sunday morning at 8:00AM on the WKCT 930AM band. Phone: (270) 842-2049 – Email: parkwaychurch@yahoo.com or timhaile@mac.com.